Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How to change DHCP server on Linksys WRT54GS?

I have a Linksys WRT54GS Wireless Router and I would like to make it act like an access point. The only problem is I cannont get the DCHP to use my existing one. My existing DHCP is a private 10.xxx.xxx.xxx Address. How do I get it to stop pumping out 192.168.1.xxx? I have tried everything I know so please help.How to change DHCP server on Linksys WRT54GS?
Connect to the back of the Linksys router and accept its 192.168.1.x address. Then in your web-browser, go to address 192.168.1.x (where x = 1, or 254). This address should be your gateway. You can enter IPCONFIG on a Windows PC to find the IP address for your gateway.

Once you navigated to the management page, you will have to log in. I believe the default is no username, with 'admin' as the password.

Under the %26lt;Setup%26gt; tab, you will see where you can either Enable, or Disable, DHCP. Now, just because you disabled the DHCP, and it is no longer pumping out a 192.168.1.xxx address like you want, does not mean it is going to act like a Wireless AP. Unfortunately, now all you have is a wireless router that is not giving out IP addresses for its WLAN. Remember, its still a router... it has a LAN side, and a WAN (internet) side... so now you upload to your current wired network though one of the LAN ports, and leave the WAN (or Internet) port empty.

What we've done is we are using just the LAN side of your router... all broadcast, including DHCP, should flood across all LAN ports (including wireless). This is a down and dirty, trick of sorts, to get what you need done. I've done this with my Linksys, but it is a different model... hopefully it will still work for you.

If you wish to actually convert your Wireless Router over to an actual AP you may have to try something like dd-wrt.. check out the links below.

Hope this helps.

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